
The untitled post

I tried to come up with a title for this blog entry and these are what I could come up with…

Not going to borrow trouble
Need some positive vibes
Awww crap

So I’m leaving it untitled.

I turned 40 this summer so that means I was due for my first mammogram (I actually had one in 1999 because I have fibrous breast tissue that feels quite lumpy and my ob/gyn wanted to make sure all was good). I found a small lump about 5 weeks ago and decided I should get my baseline scan done as well as check out the lump. My mammogram was today.

The good news is that the lump is nothing… just a mass of fibrous tissue.

The bad news is that in my other breast, they found some calcifications. Usually these are benign and are nothing to worry about. Usually. My calcifications meet the criteria for suspicious because they are clustered in an unusual shape and there are a few odd calcifications just off the perimeter of the cluster. The radiologist wants the cluster biopsied, so I am getting a stereotactic core needle biopsy done next Wednesday. It’s done with a local anesthetic and I should get the results by Friday. It’s about an hour long procedure.

I’m not freaking out at all. Frankly, I just don’t have any energy to worry about it right now. My mom and I were joking that I could pencil in worry time on Monday from 2-3… I’ve got so much going on.

I’m finally recovering from the swine flu. Jenny is going back to school tomorrow as is Anna. Dominic is still very sick and Curtis is not much better either. I’ve been taking care of various sick children (and yes, I’m counting my husband in that category) for 10 days now. I need some space. I’m certain these calcifications will turn out to be benign because they have to be. Right?

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